How happy are you in your relationship?
Received this interesting bit of graphics from Happify and thought it was just perfect Valentine’s Day fodder. To those in a relationship, there are some good tips to boost your happiness scores. It’s pretty obvious and common sense, but these simple gestures can sometimes be easily forgotten.
Eye-opening data on what makes a happy couple:
- Happy couples have 5 positive interactions for every negative one, while couples who ultimately separated have just 0,8 happy encounters for every negative interaction.
- Happy couples spend 5 more hours a week being together and talking.
- The quality of their friendship is the determining factor of happiness in a relationship.
- The happiest couples have sex once a week. More sex does not necessarily mean more happiness.
- Couples who have new experiences together report more love and satisfaction.
- Couples who bring out the best in each other help each other get closer to becoming their “ideal” selves.
- Couples’ happiness levels increase again once the youngest kid has grown up.
What are some things that help couples become happier together?
- Cultivate positive interactions every day by complimenting your partner, showing appreciation for something big or small, reliving a fun memory and doing something nice for your partner
- Enjoy intimacy: Have sex once a week for a serotonin boost.
- Celebrate each other: When your partner shares good news, celebrate with him/her by showing enthusiasm, show interest by asking questions and reliving the experience with him/her
- Go for new experiences such as exploring new places, dining at a new restaurant, and cooking together.
- Recall a moment that involved “shared laughter” to relive positive moments in the relationship
- When you fight, defuse the tension by showing humor, expressing affection, and conceding on certain points your partner makes.
- Think positive: Couples who put a positive spin on their marriage have a 94% chance of experiencing a happy future together.
So take time to pay each other compliments, stay positive, and do fun things together. Click here to view a larger version of the graphic.

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